Fabric Over Foam Gaskets

Fabric Over Foam Gaskets Request Samples Schlegel Electronic Materials, Inc. has always been on the forefront of fabric over foam technology. Today fabric over foam continues to be at the core of our product line. We offer a variety of fabrics including: 1: NiCu-C22:...
R-SEAL Weatherstripping

R-SEAL Weatherstripping

The Advanced Weatherstripping Solution for Commercial Projects Transform Windows and Doors into Continuous Air Filtration Systems R-SEAL offers fenestration pros a powerful solution to enhance building efficiency and indoor air quality. This innovative...

DynaGreen® / DynaShear Gaskets for Cards & Cages

DynaGreen® / DynaShear Request Samples DynaGreen® / DynaShear Gaskets Schlegel Electronic Materials, Inc. introduces DynaGreen® / DynaShear: an innovative EMI shielding gasket family for the shielding of modules in card/cages environment that is able to offer superior...